Business Services

The Global Mind Healing Company provides consultancy services to relieve stress for your workforce, improving engagement, productivity and supporting sustainable business growth.

Investing in your workforce wellbeing adds commercial value.

Take a look at these well-being and engagement stats!
Employees that feel supported are 17% more productive.
Organisations with high engagement and wellbeing see an average of 20% higher sales than their counterparts.
Companies with high engagement are 21% more profitable.
Employees suffering with poor motivation and high stress environments have on average a 60% drop in work quality.
Companies with lower engagement spend on average 37% more than companies with higher engagement.

Workforce Wellbeing Workshops

Workforce Wellbeing: The human mind and how it works. Learn how to achieve and maintain good mental health workshop.

Understand how the human mind works, and why it can sometimes work against us causing stress, depression, anxiety, and mental illness and causing damage to our mental health.

In this 4 hr workshop participants will learn how the human mind works as a network of 3 major computers. Addressing topics such as psychological prisons, the negative impact of others, and the voice of discontent, providing valuable life changing opportunities for participants to understand their own thought patterns and how their mind is functioning.

This workshop explains how to address mental health issues successfully, and how to achieve and maintain good mental health.

Participants can also learn and experience stress relief techniques such as breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation therapy.

The session includes 2 hrs of hypnotherapy experiences broken down into segments. This experience provides life changing opportunities to improve mental health and improve thought patterns. This experience can have long lasting positive benefits on mental health.
35 mins – Pure stress relief and relaxation, releasing negative energy and fill up with positivity.
20 mins – Boost focus and motivation
20 mins – Enhance feelings of self-confidence and self-worth
20 mins – Improve mental strength and resilience
20 mins – Learning to accept and benefit from change

Workshop duration: Up to 4 hrs – Remote sessions available

Please contact us for available dates and prices.

Workforce Wellbeing: Self-confidence and self-belief workshop
Tackling feelings of worthlessness, fear, depression and anxiety from damaging mental health.

In this 1.5 hr workshop participants will understand they must be kind to themselves. Learning how important it is to speak kindly to themselves with their internal dialogue.

Improving subconscious thought patterns of self-confidence and soothing the unconscious mind with feelings of self-love and self-compassion. 

This workshop can provide life changing opportunities to improve confidence, self-belief, sense of inner security, feelings of safety and improving mental health.

Including 45 mins hypnotherapy experience, enabling participants to release feelings of loneliness, lack of confidence and lack of self-belief held within the mind and improve their self-concept and improving their mental health.

Participants can experience a connection with themselves to help them believe in their abilities and achieve their goals with an improved, confident and motivated mindset. This experience can have long lasting positive benefits on mental health.

Workshop duration: Up to 1.5 hrs – Remote sessions

Please contact us for available dates and prices.

Workforce Wellbeing: Stress awareness workshop
Teaching how to be aware of stress, and how it impacts the mind and physical body damaging mental and physical health.

In this 1.5 hr workshop participants will learn what stress is and how it builds up, how stress is stored in the unconscious mind and subconscious programming, and how stress creates nervous energy.

This workshop can provide life changing opportunities to stop the symptoms of stress and deal with stress successfully to improve mental health.

Including 45 mins hypnotherapy experience enabling participants to release stress, tension and negativity held within the mind and physical body, and experience feelings of positivity and happiness with an improved mindset. This experience can have long lasting positive benefits on mental health.

Workshop duration: Up to 1.5 hrs – Remote sessions

Please contact us for available dates and prices.

Workforce Wellbeing – Positivity v Negativity workshop
Learn how to adopt a positive mindset and use positivity to enhance abilities and enjoyment of life.

Realising what negativity is and how it causes damage to mental health can be life changing, providing the opportunity to adopt a positive mindset and feel better.

In this 1.5 hr workshop participants will learn the difference between positivity and negativity with a short presentation and talk, providing valuable information on what happens when negativity takes over thought patterns, and how to think differently to improve mental health.

Including 45 min hypnotherapy experience enabling participants to release stress, tension and negativity held within the mind and physical body, and experience feelings of positivity and improved mindset. This experience can have long lasting positive benefits on mental health.

Workshop duration: Up to 1.5 hrs – Remote sessions

Please contact us for available dates and prices.

Workforce Online Mental Wellness Anti-Burnout SessionsWeekly / Monthly

Providing 45 min online business workforce mental wellness services specialising in workforce stress and preventing burnout. When people within your workforce and organisation are stressed with life and / or work it impacts business performance. When you relieve the workforce stress you will be able to achieve increased focus and productivity therefore creating an improved and sustainable business, with improved staff engagement results. You could continue to see lasting benefits as a result.

Book in weekly or monthly live online mental wellness anti burnout sessions for your workforce!

The Workforce Positive Mental Attitude & Stress Relief Workshops.

This is a fantastic opportunity to boost positivity, focus, motivation, engagement, productivity, and mental wellness.  The workshop will include activities to take part in, such as learning the emotional freedom tapping technique whilst using positive affirmations, stress relieving progressive muscle relaxation techniques, hypnosis with relaxation and positivity visualisation journey and learning how to use the Ho’oponono prayer for self-acceptance and self-forgiveness.

Attendees will gain a fascinating, descriptive, and logical insight into how the conscious, unconscious and subconscious minds work individually and together in harmony.  Attendees will obtain knowledge on how to mentally care for themselves and focus on maintaining and improving their mental health along with sustaining a positive mental attitude to achieve their goals. This truly is a valuable service.

We offer these interactive corporate workshops as an online event or at the clients venue of choice.

Purchase a business subscription and provide a 12 month Mental Wellness Self Development package to your workforce?

The sessions are bespoke. The scripts are written by Casey Forster, the founder of ‘The Global Mind Healing Company’. The topics chosen for this package have been carefully selected to improve all individuals’ mental and physical health.

This mental wellness self-development package is great for everyone. It brings benefits to the business and employees. The employees will feel happier, more motivated, more productive, more innovative, able to accept change, work with increased confidence and ability.

It’s likely all of these benefits will boost the productivity and staff engagement of any organisation that participates in supporting their staff with mental wellness using this metal wellness self-development package.

This mental wellness self-development package is the perfect way to reach your entire workforce with a digital product enabling them to access a wonderful life-benefiting therapy at an affordable price.

Hypnotherapy and mental healing can be costly, but this way you can help your staff by giving them the option to access this as an employee benefit. The product is accessible, affordable and a real staff benefit. 

These sessions are the perfect tool for promoting positivity and a positive mindset by releasing stress, tension and negative energy, anxiety, depression and negative emotions.  All of these factors make all of us mentally and physically unwell.

The sessions will teach the participants how to release negative energy and stress easily and effortlessly. This allows the mind to reset to think clearly and logically to make successful decisions. This in turn promotes confidence, self-belief and a new successful positive mindset to forward and achieve in both career and personal goals and aspirations.

The sessions consist of relaxation music with light hypnosis to enable the conscious mind which deals with all our day-to-day activities, stresses, and pressures to take a moment to stop, rest and recover. This enables collaboration with the subconscious and unconscious mind to promote healing, unblocking negative feelings and thoughts. This enables the attendee to get the best from themselves and have improved mindset and lasting effects of feelings of wellbeing after each time they listen to the link. 

After the session, the attendee will be relaxed, calm, clear, and reset. They will be able to remember the whole journey and all the details.  They will be able to access the session for the following 30 days and practice in their own time and improve their experience and benefits.

The sessions are beneficial for all employees, they are in control at all times. 

These sessions are designed to help employers to support their employees with mental health and wellness.  This service brings many benefits to both the employee and employer and will improve quality of life, happiness, and acceptance, focus, motivation and much more.

The course of 7 subjects is designed to focus on the general needs to help with challenges that today’s employers and employees face.

The Mental Wellness Self Development 12 month package – What is includes!

Session 1

Physical & mental relaxation introduction session – Release of negative energy and replace with positive energy

The first session you will learn how to achieve physical and mental relaxation.  Focusing on breathing techniques and a visualisation journey. Teaching you how to recognise and release negative energy and fill yourself with positive energy, improving happiness, increasing positivity, boost self-love and self-compassion.

Session 2

Physical & mental relaxation with emotional experience release

The second session you will achieve mental and physical relaxation with emotional release of any negative emotions and experiences which are holding you back, providing mental relief, closure, confidence, positivity and a new start.

Session 3

Physical & mental relaxation with motivation boost

The third session you will achieve physical and mental relaxation, you will boost feelings of motivation learn how to achieve the best from yourself.  Focusing on self belief, positivity, boosting ability to learn and retain information and achieving your goals. Recognising you can learn more each and every day.

Session 4

Physical & mental relaxation with improved mental strength techniques

In the fourth session you will achieve physical and mental relaxation and learn new techniques to improve your mental strength, resilience and feelings of determination. You will relearn how you be supportive to yourself and speak to yourself in a kind and positive manner improving your mental health.

Session 5

Physical & mental relaxation with reviving self-confidence and inner self-security

The fifth session will achieve physical and mental relaxation to boost your self confidence and feelings of inner self security.  This session can help you to feel confident when meeting new people, joining new activities or groups.  You will be more confident in yourself and feel secure bringing more enjoyment and happiness into your life.

Session 6

Physical & mental relaxation with learning how to accept and benefit from change

The sixth session will achieve physical and mental relaxation and focus on accepting change and then finding the benefits that come with accepting the change.  Life often throws unexpected change at us causing negativity and stress.  Learn how to release the need to control a situation or people. Improve mindset, accepting change and moving on with improved happiness.

Session 7

Physical & mental relaxation with financial focus & manifesting

The seventh session will achieve financial focus, providing you with a successful positive mindset technique to use in creating manifesting abilities.  You will start to focus on making your money work for you. Learn how to focus on your future financial plans using a successful manifesting technique and visualisation. This session releases your financial worries and enables you to focus on finding solutions for financial improvement.

Session 8

Stage 2 of Session 2 – Physical & Mental Relaxation with emotional release for reinforcement of learning and continuous improvement

Session 9

Stage 2 of Session 3 – Physical & Mental Relaxation with motivation boost for reinforcement of learning and continuous improvement

Session 10

Stage 2 of Session 4 – Physical & Mental Relaxation with positive mental strength techniques for reinforcement of learning and continuous improvement

Session 11

Stage 2 of Session 5 – Physical & Mental Relaxation with self-confidence and self-security for reinforcement of learning and continuous improvement

Session 12

2nd round of Session 6 – Physical & Mental Relaxation with accepting and benefiting from change for reinforcement of learning and continuous improvement

The Mental Wellness Self Development Package

Total of 12 Sessions – 1 session a month

Session Duration: 30 – 45 mins

7 subjects for self development, achieving mental wellness and releasing stress and tension.

The 2nd circuit of this schedule from sessions 8 – 12 will be even more beneficial to attendees for continuous improvement and self-development.

Every month a link will be provided to your benefits and rewards team and they will email the link to the employee’s work email and personal email address(if required). The link is valid for 30 days, and is for repetitive use. A new link for a new session is released each month.
Accompanying each link is also a link to a feedback form for the participants to complete.  This gives the opportunity to continue improving the product and give employees what they want.

The benefits this service brings:

Improved motivation

Improved concentration

Improved productivity

Improved performance

Improved happiness

Improved overall wellness

Improved mental health

Improved physical health

Improved confidence

Improved behaviors

Improved collaboration 

Improved staff engagement

Improvement in embracing and accepting change

Reduced anxiety

Reduced anger

Reduced muscular tension

Reduced symptoms of depression

Reduced symptoms of neurotic disorders (neurosis)

Reduced mental confusion

Reduced fear and worry

Reduced feelings of jealousy and resentment

Reduced reaction to phobias

Reduced mood swings

Reduced symptoms of hypochondria

Reduced symptoms of not feeling well in the absence of a medical illness

Reduced symptoms of lovesickness

Annual Subscription Pricing Schedule

Pricing is based on business size / number of employees

Company size                                Cost per employee per month

1 – 500 employees                        £8.00 per employee per month

501 – 1500 employees                 £7.50 per employee per month

1501 – 5000 employees               £7.00 per employee per month

5001 – 10000 employees             £6.50 per employee per month

10001 – 20000 employees           £6.00 per employee per month

10001 – 20000 employees           £6.00 per employee per month

20001 – 50000 employees           £5.50 per employee per month

50001 – 100000 employees        £5.00 per employee per month

100001 + employees                    £4.50 per employee per month